Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Late Night Blogger

Its almost midnight here and I think "hmmm I better blog today". Yes I think its becoming an addiction. Like I need another one. I already smoke, eat chocolate, and play every Facebook application you can imagine. Oh well I guess they keep me busy enough to keep me from thinking about other things that irritate me.
Today was a day not unlike most my weekends. Woke up late. Lazed around the house till about 2pm. Got bored and decided I need to get out of the house for a bit. So off we went. Went to get the battery charger for my MILs van. Which STILL isn't running. Sweet Jesus I'm about to go hooking to pay for a mechanic to fix that piece of crap. Anywho... Then we went to the dollar store. Ahh another addiction of mine. So much great stuff for so little money. Then after that eventful trip we came home and me and the girls went swimming for an hour or so. Yes before you ask, sunblock was used this time. Then I came inside and vegged till about 8. Got a weird burst of energy and cleaned my living room and kitchen. So that's done till tomorrow morning when the girls wake up and proceed to see how fast they can make the house look like a tornado hit it again. I bet it won't take long. Never does. I think its a gift kids are born with.
So tomorrows Monday. The start of another week. Usually this would kinda get me down, but I don't have to wake up early for 77 more days. So I will sleep in then face the world with a well rested attitude, Actually i'll prolly just face the world with my normal attitude, but maybe the extra sleep will put some much needed pep in my step. Then after I am up for awhile and the kids are fed and I am fed it will be time to tackle their bedroom. I know I said I was going to do this last night. But I do believe I warned you that could just have been a good intention. I have those alot. Tomorrow tho I am hoping it will be more then a good intention. It has to be done and they won't do it. I remember being little and going to school. And I would come home and my mom would have completely cleaned my room and moved it all around. Most kids think this is such an invasion of privacy. Not me. I welcomed it. A clean room was always so great. I swear I slept better when it was clean. So tomorrow night the girls should sleep like little angels after I get done. Anxiety be damned cause Mellie has an agenda. I should take before and after pics just to prove what a big job I am undertaking. If I remember I will.
So here we go, another week gone, and another starting. Time to make the best of the time we have. Get some crap done that desperately needs to be done is the plan. Wish me luck. Mellie Out.

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