Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

So today is Fathers Day. Hope those of you who are still blessed with your dads gave them some love if you are so inclined to do so. Those who were raised by single mothers, hope you thanked them, and those who have lost a father I hope you sent a loving thought upwards today.
As crazy as it sounds at different points in my life I have been fathered all three ways. Lost my dad when I was 9, then had a single mom raising me and my bros for a bit, then got a great step dad who I claim as much as I would my real dad. All in all a lucky break for me. I got to experience all the variables possible. Well besides having a deadbeat dad. I'll gladly pass on experiencing that one.
And now on this Fathers day, I get to watch my husband with his girls. Almost more of a treat for me then it is for him. He is such a great daddy. And I know the girls will always think so as long as they live.
Ironically I never wanted kids when I was growing up. I liked kids okay. I thought they were cute. They didn't annoy me. I loved my nieces and nephews. Didn't want the responsibility of my own though.
Then I saw Jason with his nieces and nephews. And I saw how much they loved him. And he loved them. Then I saw how he would react to a baby waving to him in the store. Or how he would make a point to buy his nephew a certain toy that he knew he wanted every year for Christmas. That's when I knew. There was no way to go into this marriage and tell him he has no reason to expect kids.  Marriage is suppose to be about compromise so here was mine. Give me a few years of just me and Jason then we would talk kids. We were married in 2000 and Jules was born in 2004.  We both won. I think I actually got more blessed in the deal then he did. He got what he wanted, but I got something I never knew I would want. And something I never want to lose. For that I thank Jason. Happy Fathers Day. Mellie Out.

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