Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

So today is Fathers Day. Hope those of you who are still blessed with your dads gave them some love if you are so inclined to do so. Those who were raised by single mothers, hope you thanked them, and those who have lost a father I hope you sent a loving thought upwards today.
As crazy as it sounds at different points in my life I have been fathered all three ways. Lost my dad when I was 9, then had a single mom raising me and my bros for a bit, then got a great step dad who I claim as much as I would my real dad. All in all a lucky break for me. I got to experience all the variables possible. Well besides having a deadbeat dad. I'll gladly pass on experiencing that one.
And now on this Fathers day, I get to watch my husband with his girls. Almost more of a treat for me then it is for him. He is such a great daddy. And I know the girls will always think so as long as they live.
Ironically I never wanted kids when I was growing up. I liked kids okay. I thought they were cute. They didn't annoy me. I loved my nieces and nephews. Didn't want the responsibility of my own though.
Then I saw Jason with his nieces and nephews. And I saw how much they loved him. And he loved them. Then I saw how he would react to a baby waving to him in the store. Or how he would make a point to buy his nephew a certain toy that he knew he wanted every year for Christmas. That's when I knew. There was no way to go into this marriage and tell him he has no reason to expect kids.  Marriage is suppose to be about compromise so here was mine. Give me a few years of just me and Jason then we would talk kids. We were married in 2000 and Jules was born in 2004.  We both won. I think I actually got more blessed in the deal then he did. He got what he wanted, but I got something I never knew I would want. And something I never want to lose. For that I thank Jason. Happy Fathers Day. Mellie Out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One day at a time

So its been almost a week since I have blogged. I guess the addiction wavered a little. Honestly I have been fighting some bad anxiety lately and have not felt like doing much of anything. But I think I am well on the road to recovery.
With a little self dialogue and some help from my friends and family I decided to go back on anxiety meds. Not because I can't manage without them, but because I am tired if wasting the energy fighting the anxiety instead of doing things I actually enjoy. Like time with my kids, and keeping a clean house, and blogging.
So here we are day 2 of the new med. Its not so bad honestly. And I think if it gets bad its pretty much just a figment of my imagination. I've been on this med before, its helped me a ton. It will work again like its suppose to. It won't take the anxiety away nor will it even do most of the work. But it will take the edge off and that's what I need right now. A break.
I have to do the work. And I will do the work. And I might go off the meds again. And maybe I won't. I've learned the easiest way to make God laugh is to make plans. So I am not even going to go there. One day at a time is all I can do right now.
So feeling better, not great at this point. But I will get there. Now for more positive news.
My family was blessed with a new pool to enjoy. And enjoy it we have been doing. The girls love it. And they ask constantly to go swimming. Honestly its a great way for us all to hang out together, or even hang out with one of the kids one on one. Just tonight me and Jules swam for a couple hours and had a blast. She had me all to herself so she was on top of the world.
Shes also learning to swim really really well. And honestly is impressing me. I hate to admit this publicly but I am learning how to swim in it also. That's right I don't know how to swim. Or I didn't. But I think by the end of the summer I might have a good enough grasp on it that I could save someone. At the very least right now I can save myself.
Other then that no real new news on the home front. I am thinking up blog topics daily, but running a little dry on ideas lately. So if you have an idea let me know somehow. Feel free to leave a comment. I'll be back to blogging regularly soon. Mellie Out.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Not Your Typical Romance Story

I figured since I've more or less introduced you to my two daughters you should know a little about where they came from. And that would have to be me and their Dad. My loving husband Jason. So I thought I should share the story of how we met. So here goes.
In June of 1998 my grandma who lived here in Oklahoma passed leaving her house empty. For some reason I was insistent on moving into it. Or just moving to Oklahoma period. I made up lists of reasons why we should move here. Cost of living was cheaper. A different school would do my little brother good. We would be closer to family. You name it I used it. I was 16 at the time so I had to work a little harder then most to convince an adult that moving 2000 miles was a good idea. But eventually they came around to my way of thinking and we moved here the next month.
So we get to Oklahoma at the end of July and get the house in order. Then its time for school to start. Going into your first year at a new school as a Junior is never fun. But I came out of my first day with 2 friends. I was elated. One of my friends had a job at the local Sonic Drive In. And she told me they were hiring. Well I needed the money and had more then enough time so I applied. I was called in for an interview the same day I turned my application in. I guess they were desperate. I was told I started the following day. I was nervous but more excited to actually have somewhere to go other then home to watch TV till my eyes drooped and it was time for bed,  for a change.
All that day at school my friend was telling me what the job was like. And who was who. And how some managers were more easy going then others. She said Kristy is a stickler. Don't piss her off or she will work you harder. The other one whose name escapes me at the moment was pretty hardcore too, but she was fun also. Then there was Jason. The bosses right hand man. Jason was scary to look at but really a big teddy bear. I shouldn't worry at all about Jason. He was cool. Turns out I started on Jason's shift.
 I show up to work 15 minutes early to make a good impression and to fill out some paperwork. Nothing really catches my attention. Typical fast food stuff. At 5pm in this big burly looking guy comes in. Shaved head. Beer belly. Crazy eyebrows. Glasses. And I really do think to myself : "Whose the child molester?"
Yea you guessed it.
That was Jason.
So I look at my friend and make the same comment to her. And she informs me that is Jason our manager for the evening.
So the shift starts. Me and Jason exchange polite hellos. He tells me what I need to to do and where to be. I do it. And the shift goes by in a flash. Nothing really stands out to me about that shift except thinking he was really creepy.
In no time at all I become addicted to the job. I never thought it was possible to be a workaholic at 16, but I was one. Had many shifts with Jason. My first opinion of him changed slowly. He was cool. A very fair boss. Funny. But more corny then anything. He was also my favorite manager to work with, cause he didn't get in a panic when we had rushes. He was always in charge, not too pushy. Just calm and mellow and made things happen.
So after about 8 months on the job me and Jason became pretty good friends. Not the kind of friends that would go hang out or anything. I mean the dude was 10 years older then me. When I was 17 he was 27. That's ancient. Or so I thought. I had started smoking by this time so I could take a break like all the other smokers. It seriously seemed to be the only way to get 5 minutes off.  And when I would take smoke breaks usually Jason would be taking one at the same time. Probably because we were 2 of the few people who actually took breaks when it was slow instead of during a rush.
But anyway we took breaks together, and slowly got to know each other a little more here and there. What really stands out in my mind is the way he reacted one night. A mutual friend and coworker came to work and was as depressed as I have ever seen them. I remember wondering what was wrong but being too swamped to ask. I do remember Jason telling them to take a break with him. Which was unusual cause this friend didn't smoke. So I really don't ponder on it long. Then a little later I walk outside to take my break and see Jason and our friend crying together. CRYING! What kinda 27 year old dude cried openly with another dude? The more I thought about it, the more I became attracted to Jason.
Jason was always there to listen if you or anyone had a problem. He was the first person people wanted to go too. To say I was getting a crush would be right. I really just thought of it as a crush because I wasn't at all interested in an old man. Not me. I had plans. I was going to graduate and go off to college and party my ass off and then get a good job. Isn't life funny sometimes?
So I went about my workaholic ways. Kept talking to Jason casually as friends. Never thought he would look twice at me cause of my age. And then one night I was trying to eat my food in the middle storage room and Jason comes walking by and he stops and whispers in my ear: "What are my chances with you?" OK Mr.Lame Ass. Yea I had heard this line in the same movie I assumed he was quoting. So I respond "One in a million." And he goes "Great I still got a chance!" Whatever weirdo. As a teenager you tend to go over these moments over and over again in your head and analyze it to death. Any moment that has something to do with the opposite sex really. And I thought maybe, just maybe he did have a thing for me. I wasn't totally convinced, but its nice to have a dream right?
A few days after that Jason started walking me to my car when I would get off the night shift. Nothing weird about that. We had had some strange things going on around the place. A robbery and some shifty people around. So I thought he was just being polite. And it was always a good time. He would walk me to my car and we would joke, or talk, or just be silent cause we were pooped from our shift.
On this particular shift he told me to wait for him to finish counting money. He had never asked me to wait before. If he was busy I just walked myself, no biggie. Even though I knew my parents always waited for me to get home before they went to bed I waited. Something was up I could feel it.
So he finishes counting the take that day and puts it in the safe, same as he has done 100 times before. Looks at me and says "You ready?"
"Yep been ready for 20 minutes but your slow ass told me to wait." (We've always been so nice to each other)
So out the door we went. He was super quiet. I felt the tension radiating from him. What the hell was up with him?
We get to my car and I unlock it and throw my apron and keys in the seat, turn around and say "Thanks for walking me to my car, I'll see you tomorrow night I guess..."
So he says "Yea...tomorrow..."
Then it happens. He leans in and gives me the first kiss of my life from someone of the opposite sex that I wasn't related to. (Wow that sounds wrong but you get what I mean) To say I was stunned was an understatement. I was knocked out of orbit.  I swear I saw those fireworks people talk about. When it was over I practically fell down.
He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze and said a casual "See ya babe"
I got in my car and headed home. The smile never leaving my face. Had this just truly happened to me? Does this mean we are dating? What the hell am I going to do tomorrow at work? Is he going to act weird with me? Am I going to act weird with him? Do I tell my friends? My Mom? Anyone?
Well I could answer one of those questions as soon as I walked in my house and my Mom seen me. She said "Why are you smiling like that? What happened? Did you get kissed?" Wow that Mothers intuition wins every time.
And so the story began. The moral of the story is love at first sight doesn't happen nearly as often as people claim. Get to know someone before you judge them. I am glad I did.
Mellie Out.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Life and Times of Julie

Ahhh back to where it all started. In the womb. When I didn't know if this would be a Savannah or a Kayleigh. Where I didn't know a babies cry for food from a babies cry for a change. Back when I thought this Mom thing was a piece of cake. That would change.

Introducing to the world: Julie Elizabeth. What happened to Kayleigh and Savannah you ask? No idea honestly. She just seemed to be a Julie. And the husband liked the name. It was one we agreed on. One thing you should know about Julie is she has good timing. No she didn't come on time at all. She was 11 days late. They tried inducing me twice. Neither time took. Same as she is today, she does everything in her own time. And her timing is never bad.

Here is the sweet princess at about 4 months. She has always been a chunk. But she wears it well I think. At this age I remember her being scared of everything. Overly cautious. Timid at first. She is still that way. But once she gets to know you, you have met a friend for life. She is as loyal as can be. And she has never been mean to someone just for spite. She always is provoked. Which also makes her never wrong. This will become a problem later in life.

Does she look like a grouch? Cause she can be. She really never left my side and still doesn't when I am in her line of vision. I never thought I could be best friends with a baby, but by this point I was.

This is Jules at 1 year old on the day of her baptism. My little Angel. I remember her being a little diva about her hair being done. She would look in the mirror and pat it. Straighten her dress. Walk so daintily to whoever called her over. At a year old I didn't think this was normal. It makes sense to me now. Cause she is still a Diva.

And here she is at 2.  I was 6 months pregnant with her sister when this picture was taken. And she still had all these dreams how she would have a new baby sister to put on a leash and walk and be able to show to everyone. The name she wanted for her new baby sister? Oobi. And I was actually tempted to let her name the new baby too. I think I was just a TAD hormonal.

Ahhh the new baby phase has worn off for our 3 year old Julie by this point. Can ya tell? I am taking this picture and Kenz is crying in the background wanting to be fed. Her expression says it all. "Please Mom send that crying, pooping, puking thing back where you got her from, she is driving me NUTS!" And it would only get worse.

4 years old. A little calmer. A little taller. Way more mature. And now she has to be the dreaded role model for her baby sister. And shes a damn good one too. Granted she still needs her Kenzie breaks weekly when she goes to Grandmas for a night. But other then that she great at the Big Sister role. You could say she was born to do it. I guess in reality she was.

5 years old here. Having a bad hair day.  Actually no its not a bad hair day, by this time Julie has started school and is taking part in crazy hair day. I did her hair like Pippi Longstockings not really thinking that no one in her whole class would have any idea who that was. Including Julie. My first real taste of feeling old came that day.

And here's my latest taste of being old. When you see a pic of your baby girl who you have raised and nurtured for 6 whole years in a cap and gown. Last day of Kindergarten. Where does the time go?  This little girl has brightened my life since the day she was born and she will continue to my whole life. She passed Kindergarten with flying colors. I had no doubts she would. I have no doubts she will do that with every grade. I have high hopes for this one. But no hope higher then that she will grow up to be the woman she always wanted to be with the strength and courage she needs to do it. Oh and maybe that I hope she has a kid just the same perfectionist and whiny butt she is right now. But if she has a kid with half her character and loving spirit, she will be a lucky mommy like me.

"The quickest way to get your child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable."-Source Unknown
Mellie Out.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Life and Times of Kenzie

This is the beginning of the story of Kenzie. This is Kenzie inside me. Even then she was wild. To this day I cannot cough or run or jump without peeing a little. And that is because she loved my bladder as a soccer ball.

This is Kenzie an hour after coming into the world.  Looks so peaceful. A little known fact about Kenzie is that she will always be on time. She came on her exact due date. And she does things as fast as she wants to. I didn't even really push to get her out. Impatient much?

Here is Kenz 3 months later. Still as impatient as when she came into the world but a lil louder with her demands by now. I see her personality growing already here. She already knows how to get a laugh.

Here she is at 6 months old. Look at the smile. That smile will get her anything she wants. Still does. And she is still a ham for the camera. At this age she didn't really cry unless she was hungry or trying to get a poop out. Now you know why I wonder daily if Kenzie pooped. Cause right around this age it started getting hard for her to get her poopies out. Dairy does not like her.

Fast forward 6 months. This is Kenz on her first birthday. What a beauty. What a determined little girl in everything she does. Doesn't take no as an answer and doesn't care who she embarrasses to get her feelings out. Wild? Hell yea.  Would I change her? Hell no.

May I present Miss Kenzie Doris at 2 years old. Hater of clothes. Lover of accessories. A year later some things still haven't changed. She will put on socks and wear them all day, even add a scarf. But never NEVER a shirt or pants. I foresee her joining a nudist colony. I truly do.

And last but certainly not least Kenzie present day. (Well actually like a week ago) Still a control freak. Still wild. Still really hates clothes. But I told her if she doesn't cover her bootie when shes outside the cops will come. Yea I lie. It works. Don't judge me.

Still one of the two most perfect things I have ever done with my life. No regrets at all about either of them. There are days they drive me insane. What parent doesn't have those days? But they make up for them when they make me laugh or outta the blue tell me they love me.  I will be doing a "Through the years" blog for Julie when I can get the pics together. I have had a few computer crashes since she was born, so the pics aren't as available. But I will get it done.
In closing this particular post was meant to be about reasons why I get up and face the world. Kenzie is one of many. One of the top might I add. And when life me gets me down I know I can ask Kenzie to dance like a monkey and shake her butt to make me laugh. Then nothing seems as bad as it was. Kids are great like that.
"Parenting is never easy, and if someone ever tells you it is, they aren't doing it right."-Anonymous
Mellie Out.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Work Starts Now

I realize every time I log on to write this blog that my title really hasn't came into play since I started the blog. When I thought of the name I was in the midst of multiple tornado watches, warnings, major thunderstorms, baseball sized hail, wind advisories and torrential rain.
Welcome to Oklahoma.
Two separate times in 2 weeks I actually had to take the kids down to the basement because of tornado warnings. But that was last month. Now its just hot. I think I will take the hot over the tornado threat. But at any rate the blog title shall remain because I think not only is it a cool name, its kinda morbid and dark. Usually I am not a real morbid dark person but I still think the title is fitting. Maybe just because of my dark sense of humor.
What else is going on in Mellieville? Not alot actually. Cleaned like my life was on the line if I didn't yesterday. All because my Mother-in-Law bought us a recliner at a yard sale. My house is so small that I have to do major rearranging (and cleaning in this case) to make things look like they aren't on top of each other. And I accomplished that, I think. So I am happy. Although I did think my husband was going to kill me and bury my body after we had just drained and moved our 30 gallon fish tank and filled it again when I said "I think I liked it better where it was." If  looks could kill... I was just kidding Hun. Kinda.
So after we accomplished our impromptu beginning of summer cleaning it was time to relax. Apparently that's a concept I can't get behind because every time I sit still and do nothing the mind starts going 100 mph. And then the anxiety gets its fuel. So I had some anxiety last night. Always something health related for me. My anxiety doesn't really mess with my mental stuff. Just my physical being. I am grateful for that.  It could be worse. Because in all honesty when I think I am having a stroke or a brain tumor I usually manage to put dinner on the table, play a game of Candyland and wrestle the girls. That pretty much blows my stroke and brain tumor theories to bits.
I also spoke to a few friends about my anxiety last night. That's always nice to hear from people who "get it". I love to hear their stories and alot of times I am thankful that they sound more crazy then me. Sorry guys but its true. I have all the empathy in the world, but I wouldn't trade places with you.
I think its just time to get back to Miss Positivity 24/7. Obviously its not something you just automatically can make yourself do all the time. You miss one day and your outta the loop. So I am going back to it. And I know a few of my friends have been more anxious then usual here lately too. So I suggest you do the same. And I think I am going to start posting some positive quotes, or stories here at the end of my posts just to get the train rolling.
I will still rant, I will still bitch, I will still make fun of things that strike me as funny. But I will be positive about things regarding me and my life. Because in all reality I have it pretty good. And anxiety is not going to stop me from living the life I can live. That I want to live. That I will live. The works starts now.

"What does crazy means? Crazy means doing something the same way over and over and expecting to get a different result." -Major24 :)

Mellie Out.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Random Rantings

I've done a couple sappy, cheesy blogs this week so I think it is time to go back to regular Mel mode. My ranting. Currently my rants have happening more lately.
First rant HAS to be about Walmart. What freakin' idiots.
So here's the back story. Someone ordered us a pool. A nice pool by the way. Last Friday night she ordered it. And she asked how I would like it shipped. Well having just seen a Walmart commercial I decided site to store would be quickest. Because my friends, on the commercial it seems you find what you want online, order it, pay for it, then drive to the store to get it. This is not the case my friends. Misleading advertising if I have ever seen it before. Apparently you order it, pay for it, then wait for it to ship from a walmart warehouse three thousand miles away, to a delivery warehouse, to the store. We ordered it May 29th. On the form it says I should have it on or before June 16th. Seriously?!? 3 weeks to get something you have 25 of in stock at the store RIGHT now? You have my money but I can't have my product? That's about the lamest thing that has ever happened to me in a long time.
And apparently I do not read the fine print of these commercials. And since we placed the order I haven't seen the commercial  again to actually find out if there is fine print to be read.  So not only do I have to wait an ungodly amount of time for the pool, I also have to drive 30+ minutes to go get it. Which I guess is okay in retrospect since I didn't actually pay for the pool. But the rant stands.
My next rant is going to have to be about Friday night television programming. Do these big execs think EVERYONE has a life and isn't home on Friday nights? There is crap to watch on a Friday night. Nothing. I will admit that I am not a huge TV watcher, but I do always have it on the background and I would like to listen to something I haven't seen/heard 500 times before or listen to some prepubescent kid spelling asphyxiation on the National Spelling Bee. I cannot wait till next month when my show starts. At least then I can count on 3 days a week of something that actually interests me. And that would be Big Brother.
Okay, what else do I have? My kids have been wilder then usual the last two days. I think Summeritis has set in. Poor Julie has no idea what to do with herself except follow me around and ask me questions like "Mom why do birds chirp?" or "Momma why don't you clean our room for us so we don't have to?" My personal favorite was today's "Momma why do you ask us if we have worms?"
That's right, I ask if them have worms daily now. Because my grocery bill has doubled since Jules has been out of school. And not only has her appetite grown, but Kenzies has too. I thought hot weather made you less hungry? Not my kids. They want something constantly. And I think its more boredom then anything else. Hopefully when the pool comes and we get it up and ready it will cure some boredom. Even my own I hope.
I have more rants but I am too tired to even type them right now. Boredom has finally wore me down. So goodnight avid blog readers. Mellie Out.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pay It Forward

I have this friend I met about 6 years ago online. The circumstances under which we meant were not fun at the time. I was in the midst of a panic attack and looking for people who would understand. I didn't think they existed. So I googled a chat room for anxiety. And found one where everyone knew what I was talking about. But one person chose to take me under her wing and explain to me what was happening and why  I shouldn't give it so much power over my life.
 This person helped me more then I can ever put into words. And to this day she still helps me. We live in different countries, thousands of miles apart, but we click like we've known each other since the beginning of time. She gets my dry sense of humor and I get hers. She gets how hard it is being broke all the time and trying to find fun things to do on a budget.
This person has not only given me ideas on things to do on a budget, but she has bought me and my family things. Fun things, necessity things, and just things she thinks we would like. And her only request for doing so is that when I can I should pay it forward.
To pay it forward I tend to take people under my wing when they need a listening ear, and I tell them what has worked for me in the past. I listen to their problems and try to give solutions that would help them. I am not in the position to financially pay it forward to someone the way she has. But I also try to give what I can to what I think is a good cause. Even if its sending an extra dollar to school when they are having popcorn and pickle day, for someone who forgot their money or can't afford it. I think this is my way of teaching Jules to pay it forward herself. Cause I let her decide who needs it.
Now if I thought she would appreciate it I would shout her name from rooftops just to get the point across that I think she is fantastic. But shes not that kind of person. She would rather remain anonymous. So I will grant her that wish. And I also think I am being a little selfish cause I don't want you to know her, as I want to keep her to myself.
I also have another friend that reminds me of this anonymous person. And she found me in a moment of need. I hope she sees me as I see my friend. The newish friend is also great to me. And she has came strides in her anxiety battle, and I see her coming even further. No doubt about it. After all she had a great mentor. Me. No, in all honestly she will go far in her battle because she has the persistence of a pit bull and the caring nature of an angel. And that will get her far. And when she stumbles I will be there. Just like my friend is for me.
Overall the message is this: If someone has done something kind for you, even as little as shooting you a smile in a store when your having a crappy day. Pay it forward. It would make the world a better place.
So for my special friends, know you have touched me deeply. Know I love you both. And I am lucky to have you both in my life.  If I didn't already have the worlds best mother I would gladly claim either one of you.  Mellie Out.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tales From the Childhood Part Two

I figured since we talked about times that happened with my little brother last night, it was only right to move on to the older brother. Now my older brother is 9 years older then me. Practically an old man now. Ba ha. But back when I was say about 5 and he was 14 he would babysit me frequently.
Now Mom I know you are reading this. You should know AGAIN, that these were the most traumatizing times of my life. I suppose it could be called a typical brother sister relationship. I've heard others horror stories about what their older siblings did. But I don't think your older brothers or sisters were as calculating, prepared and overly zealous about their planned time with you.
 One moment that stands out was my loving brother holding me over the banister of the upstairs by my ankles pretending he couldn't hang on to me for long. And he kept saying "Stop struggling Melissa!" Um hey stupid, I am about 15 feet up looking at my head being squished momentarily and you don't want me to put up a fight? Yea that ain't happening.
 Another frequent thing he did was take my favorite doll that I couldn't sleep without her and at the time thought was my real baby and putting her on the ceiling fan and holding me down and making me watch her fly around and around until my poor Drowsy Beans couldn't hold on any longer and flew off.
Drowsy Beans would eventually get revenge for me and her both.
I also remember watching TV one night and hearing my brothers blood curdling scream. I half assed still cared about him at this point in time, so of course I went to see what happened. I ran into the kitchen where I thought I heard the scream coming from to find my brother with a knife stabbed into the side of his chest (Actually between his arm and his body) with blood spattered EVERYWHERE (Actually ketchup). And my brother with his last dying breath tells me "Their still in the house, run!"
Now I don't really remember what I did after this. I think I have blocked this horrible memory from my mind as a coping technique and to remain somewhat normal. But I do remember that I was all of a sudden afraid of that dark after this night. Now you know why Mom.
My brother also was infamous for "smothering" me. Now smothering me consists of taking any bed pillow you have and holding it over someones face telling them that you are cutting all their air off. If you couldn't tell already I was pretty naive. So making me hyperventilate was the goal. Worked every time too.
On one such smothering occasion, which would turn out to be the last, my brother left Drowsy Beans in my reach. Drowsy Beans had a hard plastic head and a body filled with what felt like rice. But I guess they were meant to feel like beans. Anyhow. I picked up Drowsy Beans and commenced to beating my brother about the head and the shoulders as hard as I could. And I was making definite contact. Cause he was getting madder. So then he got my doll away from me, but I still had my arm out. So I reached up and pulled his hair so hard I came back with a handful. He had a lovely bald spot for 6-8 weeks after that. Now he just has one cause hes old. He also had some red marks from good ole Drowsy Beans. Gawd I love that doll. And I still have her today. I need to bring her with me the next time I see my brother, just for good old times sake.
I like to think this is the point in my life where I learned to fight back and not take crap from anyone. Because it did indeed stop most of his shenanigans. I think I saved my little brother from ever knowing the torture my big brother could bring. So Tony, don't ever say I've never done anything for you.
But as I grew up and Vernon (my older brothers name) did too, we became closer. And we actually developed a pretty cool relationship. He was the first one to ever let me try driving. He was the one who would overpay me for a 3 hour babysitting job just cause he knew I was never getting an allowance at home. And he will always be my childhood  rescuer from mean people, hard times, and shitty circumstances.  All in all without taking into account what a horrible horrible child he was. Hes a pretty cool adult. And thank God his wife and kids are the only ones that have to put up with him daily. Love ya Vern. Mellie Out.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tales From the Childhood

So I was talking to my momma today. And she was going on about how she loves my blog and how I phrase things. And the random thoughts that pop into my head. Ahhh the unconditional love of a parent.
So then my mom told me I should do a post about things that happened when I was little. She threw a few memories at me and I think I will roll with them. I don't expect them to be in chronological order because really nothing about any of my posts ever are in any sort of order. And off we go.
The first real memory that comes to mind is the one that my mom always cracks up when shes telling other people. So this is for you Mom.
When we lived in Arizona there wasn't much to do cause it was a retirement town at the time really. No other kids our age were close by. No real summer programs. Nothing in all reality. But I did have my little brother. We did everything together. Played all the time. Made up crazy games and went everywhere on our bikes together. Which leads me to the story. On this particular day my brother and I had decided to ride our bikes to the library. The ONE thing we could do in that town on certain days during limited hours. So we go to the library. All in all a very boring trek there and boring till we get about a 1/2 mile from home. That's when I decided I needed a drink of water so we stopped on the road and got the thermos out that we always took filled with water. First before I go any further I need to describe this thermos. Its not one of those thermoses little kids put in their lunch boxes and take to school. I am talking a truckers Thermos. The stainless steel 7 pound er bad boy of all thermoses. Why did we take that big of a thermos with us? Because it was Arizona and 120 freaking degrees. So anyway back to the story. We stop to get a drink, and I get the thermos and finish all the water. Then my brother decides he wants some. So I hand him the thermos. Mistake one. I didn't tell him I finished it. I thought it would be funny for him to find out the hard way. Well he didn't think it was funny at all. And he yelled at me. So I made fun of what a whiny crybaby he was. I think I was around 14 at the time and he was 9. Mistake 2. So as I was teasing him I didn't even think of the weapon in his hand being the big daddy of thermoses. He obviously did cause he took the cup off the top and hurled it at me. He was maybe, MAYBE 4 feet from me at the time. It hit me directly in the middle of my head between my eyes. And immediately started swelling. I FREAKED out crying and left his ass sitting there and got on my bike and started peddling home before something happened worse then the swelling. Like a brain hemorrhage or something. I was 14. Hmm maybe I did have anxiety before I thought.
 So I get home and by this time I literally have a lump sticking out 4 inches. I run in screaming and crying to my mom, "Tony threw the thermos cup at me and it did THIS!". Being the fair mother she is, she asked why would Tony do something like that? So I told her I finished the water without giving him a drink. To which Mom responds: "Wow sucks to be you right now." Thanks for that Mom.
So there's one story from my childhood that I vividly remember. I am still surprised I don't have a dent in my head from that damn thing. Tony still thinks its funny too. Glad someone does.
Me and Tony got into so many fights, so much trouble together that it would take me ages to write everything down. But he was/is a great little brother. If I promised him money I could get anything out of him. I used to pay him to look at my poop in the toilet just cause I thought it was funny, and I needed a witness to tell people about the epic size of my turds. But I digress.
I think maybe tomorrow nights blog will be about the torture my older brother used to do to me. Ya know HE might be the reason I have anxiety at all. Not really. I love him too. But he was an ass to me. And I am sure Tony thinks I was an ass to him. I think its the childhood school of hard knocks when you have an older sibling.  But that's enough for tonight. Please don't judge me based on my paying for turd viewing. It made me laugh and it made my parents laugh. I wonder if he would do it now....Mellie Out.