Saturday, May 29, 2010

A fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was brought up poor but with loving parents. She never longed for anything because she felt she was rich with love. Then she got married and became more rich with love. Then she had kids and became what felt like a billionaire with love. The End.
 If  this is you get the hell of my blog. I don't buy your BS. Yea I have great parents and I have great kids and a great husband. But realistically I of course I want stuff. Who doesn't?  I don't know what brought on this random entry honestly but something obviously triggered my temper. I am going to blame PMS and Bobs. The combo has never made me happy yet she (Bobs) insists she can handle my bitchy ways every month. So far she is indeed still alive.
 On a far completely different note, it is Memorial Day weekend. Which means swimming and cooking out and hanging with family and remembering dead people. What a ironic holiday! Yea! Lets go to the lake and boat and camp, but don't forget....Think about those you lost. Umm paging Debbie Downer!!! I may be alone in this thinking, but I declare we start a completely different holiday for the unofficial start of summer and leave Memorial Day the somber day it should be with us remembering loved ones who have passed and soldiers who have died protecting our freedoms. Its just like us Americans to multitask to the complete nth degree. Hell women schedule C-sections based around their work schedules these days. I guess its just me being a cranky 28 year old. YES I am only 28 and I just read what I wrote and I sound about 55. No offense 55 year olds.
 Lets see what else can I rant husband is snoring in the chair next to me. Sometimes I think of shoving stuff up his nose and seeing what happens. But then my anxiety tendencies kick in and I go all "worst case scenario" and figure if I do indeed shove this cheese puff up his nose he is going to inhale it and it will go into his lungs thus causing a deadly infection and he will die. I don't want him to die. Especially not death by cheese puff. What a way to go... "Hey Mel how did your husband die?" "Well he inhaled a cheese puff and died". That has to be the least glamorous way to go ever. The more I think about this cheese puff idea I don't actually think it would go to his lungs. Logically it would probably get lodged in his throat and I could save him. Then I could be a hero. But then we have the issue of me stuffing the cheese puff up there in the first place. I obviously have to much time on my hands. Just to be on the safe side I do not want my loving, handsome, great father to my kids, warmhearted, caring husband to die. I can't help these random things that come into my head people. Sooner or later you will learn this about me. Or you will call the people with the lovely white jackets to come get me. Either way, your call. Alright I have ranted for another night. I should be back at it tomorrow night. Happy Memorial Day weekend? Is that even correct? OK here's another way to go: Sorry about your dead relatives but have a frigging blast bbqing and swimming!!! Mellie Out.

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