Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moving The Blog

So because I am turning into such a media whore I have decided to move my blog to word press. So in a few days I will be deleting this blog completley. But for now I will leave it so all my followers can know where to find me. So heres the new space. I hope you enjoy it. Its easier to suscribe and comment.
New rants coming soon and updates on life. So I hope to see you there :) Mellie Out.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Assignment #3

The assignment was as follows:
Assignment #3: Photo Image Poem

I want you to spread out a bunch of pictures that you have. They could be of anything: old family photos, nature pictures, wedding photos, etc. Display them in front of you and look at them for a while. Pick out 6 pictures that speak to you the most. Then select 3 pictures that are worth words and finally, choose one of those final 3. With this picture, I want you to write a poem with very descriptive imagery. I want you to take that picture and make it into words so that when I read the poem, I can clearly visualize what you have written about in concrete language. Abstractions are prohibited. Show me the picture IN WORDS. If possible, share the picture with me once I have finished reading it and I will decide if you have satisfied my mind's eye enough to earn a good grade. I will give extra points for usage of metaphor and non-rhyming sound devices. Good enjambment might even earn you an A.

Assignment #3

Punished For Creativity

Dirty nose, dirty face,

arms and legs are such a mess.

Her tear smudged cheeks black with ink,

it's obvious the statement she was trying to make.

The lines so precise and the nose completly black,

She looked like a zebra made in Kindergarten class.

She started to cry more when I finally got a look,

I wonder if she thought I would throw the book.

The more she cried the more she smeared,

Making her hard work all but disappear.

So sorry she did it now,

But more sorry we had caught her somehow.

"Stand in the corner." was the punishment given,

She walked to the wall without being driven.

She stood there for her time,

then when it was over, she decided to whine.

No remorse for doing the deed,

Remorse came from getting caught

and being scrubbed clean.

Soon all the ink would be washed away

But because of the picture she would always see this day.

I got an A- on this assignment :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Assignment #2

For Assignment #2, I want you to write me what I like to call a "Concrete Love Poem". How are you going to do that if love itself is an abstraction? Describe all the qualities of love that appeal to your five senses. It can be any kind of love: platonic, familial, sexual, even self-destructive. Your choice. I want it to be written in Times New Roman font size 12 and it should be a full page long. You may choose how long your stanzas are and if you want to use rhyme or not but pay attention to rhythm. Good poetry must have good rhythm and pace. If you want to know more about pace, try banging your fist down on a table in between each word while you read the poems. Eventually, you will encounter the rhythm of each one.

And here is my work. At the end you will see the grade. Enjoy.

My First Born Assignment #2

The first month started like any other,

a bug I caught was the reason my tummy was all a flutter.

Days went by and still the sickness came,

I started to realize my life was about to change.

Go to the doc is what they all advised,

they wanted me to confirm the inevitable I could only surmise.

So I made the appointment, and indeed I was right.

Today my world would change overnight.

Everything in that those hard long days

couldn't prepare me for the force of your gaze.

Those months I saw my insides come out,

a popular dinner guest I was not.

More time passed and the big day arrived,

Off we flew to meet the new life.

So scared I was to pass or fail,

But giving you life was worth all the miserable details.

Here you were so small, yet so loud.

"She looks like her mother!" they all exclaimed outloud.

They whisked you away to places unknown.

All at once I was again incredibly alone.

In the end the war we had won,

not to say small battles wouldn't come

You were mine completley and without qualm,

and I was yours, growing with you to be more then just "Mom"

B+ was the grade :) And I am showing you all exactly what I turned in to my friend.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

starting A CLASS

PLEASE FORGIVE THE KEYBoard issues, they canT BE helped. ill update you why later. i decided to take a frienD UP ON his offer to teach me to honE MY SKILLS TO BE a writer, so i will be PUTTINg my assignMENTs up here for you all to follow.
my first assigNmenT WAS A FREE VERSE POEM ABout what me my "ghosts" would say to me.

aSSIGNmenT #1      gRADE B





as yours was shiny and NEw


PLEADING for a lift

nO ONe heard my screams

i beGGED PLEADED AND wished.

FINally when I COULD FEEL No more

THO i heard anD SAW AND smelt

my last day on EARTH

WOULD BE your first out.
Mellie out.